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Andrew Trotter, MD, MPH, FIDSA


Andrew Trotter, MD, MPH, FIDSA, (he/him) is an associate professor of clinical medicine in the Division of Infectious Disease at the University of Illinois Chicago and a physician at UI Health. Dr. Trotter’s clinical, teaching and research interests focus on the care of people with HIV and HIV primary care, HIV prevention, including PrEP, sexually transmitted infections and LGBTQIA+ health. He provides care within and clinical administrative support to the UI Health Community Clinic Network, UIC’s Ryan White Program. He serves on the Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition Steering Committee of HIVMA. Dr Trotter also serves, or has served as a co-investigator on, several clinical research projects evaluating new HIV PrEP medications and an HIV vaccine candidate. He teaches many of these subjects to medical students, residents and infectious diseases fellows. Finally, he actively collaborates with colleagues in Nepal and has been supporting the curricular development and now implementation of the first infectious diseases fellowship training program in Nepal.  


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