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Journal Club Archive

June 12, 2019


Beware of Fraudulent Sites, Use Official IDWeek Site Only

Please be aware that is the only official site for registering for IDWeek 2019. Experient is the official housing provider for IDWeek 2019 and their site can only be accessed through International groups can also use for housing and travel assistance.

Fraudulent websites have been reported, so it is critical that you use only the official IDWeek websites mentioned above to register for the meeting and for booking a hotel reservation through IDWeek. We do not ask for member identification numbers during registration, and no one will email you to ask for your membership password. Please do not provide this information if requested and be aware that you are using an illegitimate website.

IDWeek cannot guarantee your registration or housing if you purchase using an illegitimate website.

IDWeek staff makes every effort to shut down illegitimate websites as soon as we are made aware of them; however, new attempts to create fraudulent sites occur regularly. If you are concerned about your registration, please contact IDWeek staff at

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